Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise

  • Author: Anne Blackburne
  • Series: The Heart of the Amish, book 2
  • Publisher: Barbour Publishing
  • Available Now
  • Synopsis: Close to a year after her husband’s passing, childless Ruth receives an unwelcome visit from her bishop, who encourages her to sell the family farm to a family. Widower and father Jonas Hershberger offers to rent Ruth’s barn, demonstrating that she is indeed putting the land to use.
  • Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher. Opinions expressed are my own.
  • As a note, this is a series by different authors, and both books are definite standalones

Scripture Connection

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Heb. 11:1

As a disclosure, I finished reading this book before Christmas and have read several others since then. My memory of the faith content (and specific details) is a bit foggy, but as I flip back through, what does stand out to me is the characters’ confidence and assurance. They trust that God’s plans are best, and that His desires for them are higher than theirs.

Spiritual Themes

As with Mindy Steele’s first book in the series, there’s sweet faith content woven gently throughout. The characters demonstrate a calm, assured, faith in Gott (German for God), and there are a number of references to trusting His plans and that they will happen.

There’s also a subtle thread about what it means to be a neighbor. This is specifically mentioned when Jonas offers to help Ruth, not because she is helpless, but because he wants to be “neighborly.” We also see how Lydia and Ruth are good neighbors to one another. In contrast, there are also examples of less neighborly behavior (though it’s not explicitly described in reference to this theme).

What I Liked

I had been hoping to read this title because I enjoyed book one in the series and because I was delighted by the coziness and Christmasy feeling of “ginger snap” in the title. I started reading the day I received the book and I enjoyed it even more than I’d expected.


Something I noticed, while reading, is that I enjoyed scenes from Jonas’ perspective, as well as those from Ruth’s. I realized that I sometimes find the male perspective a little bit boring, in Amish fiction, but that wasn’t my experience this time. I also like Jonas’s daughter, Abby, which was also refreshing, because it often feels to me like I am supposed to like the children of protagonists, but instead find them a little annoying.

Secondary characters were interesting and well-developed. Lydia, who is both a friend and mentor to Ruth, is very sweet but also on the sly side. That word is a little too strong, but Lydia is willing to make her own plans without letting people in on them. I really enjoyed Ruth’s friendship with Lydia!

Ruth’s relationship with Bishop Troyer is presented as nuanced. She very much desires to honor him as an elder and for his role in the community, but she is also willing to stand up for herself.

Evelyn, the bishop’s granddaughter, is one of the funniest characters I’ve read in a while. Her brash behavior is truly shocking, and her presence really livens the story. Although she isn’t a main character, I do think that I enjoyed the story much more because of her role in it.


Ruth raises goats for soap, cheese, and textiles. She’s also a great baker (there’s a running joke about her fantastic cinnamon rolls), and the title itself includes the word “ginger snap.” While it turns out that the ginger bread in the title isn’t the cookie (and the cover offers a clue for that), I found the book to be delightfully cozy.

The novel is a great read for winter, because a bit of the book takes place in winter. The story does include Christmas, and released in December, but it’s not a Christmas emphasis.

Content Notes

I don’t recall any content concerns.

Recommendation Status

Between the sweet plotline and the lack of “content” concerns, this is a book I am delighted to recommend. Recommended to readers who enjoy Amish fiction, gentle romance and cozy baking!

Published by Stephaniesninthsuitcase

Hi, there! My name is Stephanie and I’m a Fresno, CA native. After studying at Biola University, I received my MLIS (Masters in Library Science) from San Jose State University. I live with my mom, poet Kimberly Vargas Agnese, and serve as her unofficial agent. We reside at MeadowArc, a food forest in its infancy. I am called to, and passionate about, purity. In fact, the name Agnes means “pure.” Before I was born, my mom felt led to include the name Agnes in her name, and in the names of her children. My full, hyphenated name includes 26 letters (but not the whole alphabet).

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