Ben Washington is the Newbie on the Block

Spiritual Themes While I had trouble trying to find one single verse to connect with the novel, Ben Washington is the Newbie on the Block conveys a good deal of wisdom. The plot interacts with questions about what it means to be popular, as well as what it means to have friends. Additionally, while heContinue reading “Ben Washington is the Newbie on the Block”

Valentine’s Day Recommendations: Middle Grade

I recently posted about the Date with Jesus (Valentine’s Giveaway). The winner will receive a $10 Starbucks gift card for their own “Date with Jesus.” In that post, I mentioned my desire to showcase some Valentine’s Day recommendations, based on age group. This is the first such post, and it is also another entry optionContinue reading “Valentine’s Day Recommendations: Middle Grade”

Out of the Shadow World (Book Review)

Thoroughly charming, the story conveys powerful truth and ministers the love of God to its audience. This is exactly the kind of book I would have delighted in as a youngster (in the company of The Chronicles of Narnia and The Archives of Anthropos), and I am so happy to recommend it, now.