The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple (Book Review)

On a Personal Note… Some reviews are hard for me to write because I’m trying to pull out the positives—either I wasn’t especially struck by anything or I liked the work quite a bit, but it’s tricky to say why. That’s not the case for The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple. Rather, my challenge isContinue reading “The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple (Book Review)”

Just for the Summer (Book Review)

Scripture Connection When someone invites you to a wedding feast, do not take the place of honor, for a person more distinguished than you may have been invited. If so, the host who invited both of you will come and say to you, “Give this person your seat.” Then, humiliated, you will have to take theContinue reading “Just for the Summer (Book Review)”

She Believed HE Could, So She Did (Book Review)

What to Expect At thirteen chapters, she believed HE could, so she did consists of two parts, patterned after the title. In part 1, “She Believed HE Could,” Beresford dispels various popular– and attractive — lies being fed to women, today. In doing so, she not only addresses the lie, but also supplies the truth.Continue reading “She Believed HE Could, So She Did (Book Review)”