Truth Be Told (Book Review)

Scripture Connection This is the epigraph included before the start of the novel. In some cases, I find that epigraphs feel only loosely, if at all, related to the book. Truth Be Told, however, is such a powerful illustration of this passage. It’s neat to reread the epigraph, having read the book, because I canContinue reading “Truth Be Told (Book Review)”

The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple (Book Review)

On a Personal Note… Some reviews are hard for me to write because I’m trying to pull out the positives—either I wasn’t especially struck by anything or I liked the work quite a bit, but it’s tricky to say why. That’s not the case for The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple. Rather, my challenge isContinue reading “The Elusive Truth of Lily Temple (Book Review)”

MLK, Jr. Day Recommendation

This three-day weekend, I had the immense pleasure of reading Patricia Raybon’s Truth Be Told, the forthcoming installment of the Annalee Spain series. The series follows a black woman detective in racially-charged 1920s Colorado. And, while the first two books set a high bar, book three has gone above and beyond. I’m floored. Truth BeContinue reading “MLK, Jr. Day Recommendation”